Probate Mediation in Seattle
Representing you in Mediation and ADR in Trust and Estate Litigation
While the team at Ridgway Law Group, P.S. is thoroughly familiar with the demands of litigation, we also work extensively with alternative dispute resolution (ADR) techniques such as mediation and arbitration. We have represented many clients who have chosen mediation as a way to settle their differences. Our experience with ADR has helped many clients find cost-effective solutions to trust and estate litigation problems.
What Is Probate Mediation?
Many of our clients are especially interested in facilitated mediation as an alternative to trial and we fully manage this course of action on behalf of our clients. Essentially a formalized settlement process, mediation involves the selection of a neutral mediator to facilitate negotiations between the parties to a dispute. The philosophy is that all parties have complete control of the situation—rather than putting the decision making process in the hands of a judge or jury.
All parties meet in a secure and confidential location, and the mediator goes back and forth between the parties in an effort to reach a mutually favorable decision. We represent your interests to the mediator. This is a completely voluntary process where everyone has control of the situation, and the mediator has no authority or ability to make a ruling at the end of the discussions. Many individuals choose mediation because it is often much less costly, stressful and time consuming than litigation.
The mediator cannot force a settlement or issue binding decisions. Instead, he or she helps the parties establish acceptable ranges for compromise and reach a settlement. If the parties cannot settle their dispute through mediation, then they may advance to arbitration or trial. Nearly all types of cases can be mediated with assistance from a neutral third-party mediator.
Resolution Promoted by TEDRA
Mediation is promoted and encouraged by the Trust and Estate Dispute Resolution Act (TEDRA) as a first choice before going straight to trial litigation. Principal attorney, Ms. Ridgway, would not act as another attorney but simply as neutral facilitator that encourages both parties to reach a mutually agreeable decision for the situation at hand. When mutuality is reached, both parties will feel satisfied with the outcome instead of having a judge rule and decide on their behalf.
Arbitration is Another Way to Resolve Trust or Estate Disputes
Unlike mediation, arbitration aims for a binding resolution of a dispute. Arbitration is similar to a trial, although the proceedings are less formal and more streamlined. The disputing parties select a neutral arbitrator to evaluate evidence, hear legal arguments and render a decision.
Learn More About Seattle Probate Mediation
Our firm mediates matters of probate, estate and elder law. We are trained to handle even the most difficult situations and we have reached many successful verdicts and resolutions for attorneys and their clients by using TEDRA mediation. We can do the same for you. If you have a dispute involving assets, multi-property estates, wills or trusts, contact our Seattle law office today!
To discuss your concerns and learn more about how we can help you in your journey, please call to talk with a knowledgeable Seattle mediation attorney. Feel free to contact us to schedule a meeting or with your questions. All consultations are confidential.